Office: 617-651-1078

Advocacy Helps During a Transplant

"I have the highest praise for the medical advocacy Brita provided to my nephew who was living with end-stage renal disease and preparing for a kidney transplant. Her compassionate and informed support, familiarity with the Boston medical network, and interpretation of complex information was a lifeline as my nephew lived a challenging

year with a burdensome schedule of medical appointments and declining health.

Managing chronic illness is a second full-time job; Brita’s involvement reduced the strain on health and morale for my nephew and brought a blessed efficiency to the patient-doctor interface that can be frustrating and confusing for the lay person.

My nephew’s kidney transplant has been a wonderful success, with Brita providing guidance through the post-transplant phase as well. I speak for our large extended family in saying we will miss Brita’s smiling face and upbeat partnership as we move on with the assurance that my nephew embarks on a new life of well-being.”
-Lorri C.

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